About Me

I’m a stay-at-home mom with a heart for people. I love getting to know them, writing about them, and inventing them. When I’m not hanging out with my hero and heroine in my latest romance, I enjoy watching movies with my husband, being silly with my little ones, and drinking endless amounts of coffee. 

The idea for the Love Story Collections began years ago at a festival when I met a writer who wrote poems for people. As festivalgoers walked by his stand, he would ask if they wanted a poem, but not just any poem—a poem written about them. After having a brief conversation and getting to know the people, he would write a poem, and then give it to them as a keepsake. I thought it was a fantastic idea! What a great way to connect with readers by creating something special for them.

Keeping that idea in mind, I started writing true love stories for couples and posting them right here, on my website. In the last couple of years, I’ve met many wonderful people with such captivating stories, and I wanted to give them more than just a published story on my website. I wanted to give them something they could put on their bookshelves and read to their children and grandchildren.

I’m thrilled to have these collections in print and e-book, so that friends, family, and romance readers can enjoy these special memories forever. I hope these love stories touch your heart as much as they did mine. 

You can find Completely Captivated on Amazon: http://Amazon.com. Completely Yours will be available on Amazon on August 1st! 

To read more about some of the couples in Completely Captivated and Completely Yours, click here.

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If you’d like to leave me a message, please email me at Crystal@Crystaljoybooks.com.



My Love Story
Q&A with Joy
Writing Journey